
Showing posts from September, 2017

Week of 10/2-10/6

Monday 10/2: DUE TODAY:  Reading and chart on post-classical civilizations. Changes and continuities. 

Week of 9/25-9/29

Monday 9/25 :   QUIZAM today on F-600BCE.  Study your notes and review packet from last year. 20 multiple choice questions and two SAQs HW tonight :  Please read p.1-2 in the Classical Civilization packet.  Use the information to examine the civilizations of Han China, India, and the Mediterranean (Persia, Greece, Rome).  Take notes and create a "brag sheet" for each empire.  In other words for each empire/region create a list of  FIVE  things they should be remembered for. Write the lists on a SEPARATE sheet of paper. Please take notes on the reading as well, while reading.  Tuesday 9/26:  1. DUE TODAY: Classical civilization brag sheet. 2. HW tonight: Read the assigned p. 5 about the conclusion of the empires and take notes. Wednesday 9/27: 1. DUE TODAY: Conclusion of empires Thursday 9/28: 2. HW tonight: Universal religions reading and questions. 

Week 9/11-9/15

MONDAY 9/11 TUESDAY 9/12 --THEME assignment DUE                               Flood story questions due tomorrow WEDNESDAY 9/13- -- Flood story due                                       Indus handout due tomorrow THURSDAY 9/14- -- Indus DUE                                    Practice thesis statement due tomorrow FRIDAY 9/15- --  Thesis due MONDAY 9/18 ---We are writing a comparative essay in class TODAY 

Week 9/5-9/8

Tuesday 9/5 : FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! History is like an Onion article.  Read and take notes on the article. Wednesday 9/6 :  History like an Onion reading is DUE today. Worst Mistake/Howell Article: please read and complete the assigned outline due tomorrow. Thursday 9/7: Due today: Worst Mistake article There is a quiz tomorrow on the region map and the time periods.  The quiz will take 10 minutes.  Friday 9/8: Region and Time period quiz today! Reminder: Theme assignment is DUE on Tuesday 9/12. 

Extra help schedule

Mondays 7:00-7:20 in room 128 Mondays 2:15-2:40 in room B176 Wednesday 2:15-2:40 in room B176


This post is meant to help you keep track of the assignments and due dates.  Keep in mind that I also post all of the assignments and due dates on the board so please take a picture of it at the beginning of the week! All due dates are subject to change so please keep on top of things!