Review Sheet for 1450-1750--12/8/17 TEST


REVIEW SHEET: 1450 CE– 1750 CE

(Discussion Questions—You must be able to answer these questions)
1. How was this era different than the era that preceded it? What changed? What stayed the same?
2. What were the major changes in trade? Who was involved?
3. What technological and scientific advances were made during this time period?
4. How did the world become “smaller”?
5. What were the basic political structures found in the world’s empires? Who ruled? How did he/she gain power? Were certain areas different than others?
6. What were the common characteristics found in African Empires?
7. What role did women have during this time period?
8. What slave systems emerged? How were they different from previous systems?
9. What other labor systems were practiced?
10. Which diseases and foods were spread through interactions? How did this affect the population patterns of the world?
11. What were the major discoveries of the Scientific Revolution? How were they controversial? Compared to other areas of the world, were the Europeans slower in discovering some major scientific ideas?
12. What were the major cultural centers during this time period? Find examples and comparisons from all areas of the globe.
13. Explain absolutism? List monarchs from different areas of the world who believed in Divine Right of Kings and absolutism.
14. Compare two European monarchies to China and Japan’s empires. What are the similarities and differences?
15. How did the following interact with the West: Russia, Ottoman Empire, China, Japan, and India. Be very specific.
16. What was the Reformation? What were the basic ideas?

1450 – 1750 CE
(Big Ideas/Regions—You must have a clear understanding of all of the following topics/sub-topics)

Collapse of the Mongol Dynasty and impact on various regions:

East Asia:

·         Ming:
o    Politics
§   Leaders
o    Society
§  Cultural and Intellectual Life
·         Neo Confucianism
·         Civil Service Exams
·         Chinese Traditions
o    Economy
§  Zheng He
§  Silk Road
§  Relationship with Outsiders & Why

·         Politics
  • Transformation from Feudalism to Tokugawa Shogunate (Past influences to New Systems)
  • Leaders
·         Economy
  • Relationship with Europeans
·         Society
  • Intellectual and Cultural Lifeà Changes from Feudalism to Tokugawa

Middle East/South or Central Asia:

Gunpowder Empires: Comparison of following Gunpowder Empires

·         Ottoman: (Politics, Major Battles and Impact, Military (i.e. Janissarias & Deshrime), Leaders, Society, & Economy)

·         Saffavid: (Politics, Major Battles and Impact, Leaders, Society, & Economy)

·         Mughal: Delhi Sultanate to new changes in…(Politics, Leaders, Society, Artistic and Cultural Achievements& Economy)

Western Europe:
·         Change: Medieval Europe à Renaissance & Reformation
·         Reformation: Protestant & Counter Reformation à And Impact
·         Scientific Revolution & Impact
·         Enlightenment, Philosophers, Enlightened Despots & Impact
·         New Economic Systems: Capitalism & Mercantilism
·         Exploration
o    Trading Posts
o    Who started it & Why?
o    New Political, Social & Economic Systems in Americas (i.e. Encomienda System, Cash Crops,
o    Impact of lack of Labor in the New World
o    Impact on Africa, Europe and the Americas

Eastern Europe:
·         Russia
o    Influence of Byzantine Empire
o    Impact of the Collapse of the Mongol Empire
o    Ivan III & Ivan the Terrible
o    Peter the Great (Changes political, social, economic, Westernization, etc)
o    Serfdom
o    Reaction to the West & Westernization

Overall Changes:

·         The World became truly global and there was a Global Economy:
·         Impact of Silver on each Region:
·         Maritime trade dominated the world:
·         European kingdoms gained world power:
·         Nomad began to become a thing of the past:
·         Labor systems were transformed:
·         “Gunpowder” Empires emerged in the Middle East and Asia:
·         Where were the largest cities located during the time period 1550-1750?   & Why?
·         How is the Time period 1450-1750 different than earlier periods?


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