Textbook assignments 1450-1750

Assignments: 1450 CE -1750 CE (Period 4)

Due Date
·         Read and Outline pages 354-361 and complete the following:
o    Create three 4-choice multiple-choice questions.  Provide the answer with a clear explanation (make sure you include appropriate historical evidence in your explanation).
o    Create a comparative essay question.

·         Read pages 363-380 and answer the following questions in detail:
o    Describe the impact of the Renaissance on European society.
o    Describe the two Reformations and the effects they had on Europe & Explain whether the impact on Europe was pos/neg or both—give examples. 
o    Describe the Scientific Revolution that took place in Europe (Who were the major players, effects on European society, etc)
o    How did European government, attitude towards government and state structures change during this time period?
o    What changes were occurring in European social structures, gender relationships and families & Why were these changes taking place?
o    Describe the Enlightenment and how it effected European society?
o    By 1750, Why was Europe ready to “take-off” into the Industrial Revolution?

·         Read and Outline pages 383-402 (Take into consideration the following questions):
o    How did Western Europe (between 1450-1650) gain “unprecedented” mastery of the worlds oceans?
o    Describe the early efforts of Portugal and Spain to explore the world and what areas did each control and why?
o    What was the Columbian Exchange and how did it effect both Europe and the Americas?
o    What areas remained outside the new global economy prior to 1600?  What areas were added in the 17th century?
o    How did British and French North America differ from other European colonies?
o    What were the results of the creation of a world economy?

·         Read and Outline 421-447 (Take into consideration the following questions): 
o    What aspects of Iberian society were transferred to the New World?
o    What model for America colonization was established in the Caribbean?
o    Discuss the nature and impact of the conquest and exploitation of Indians in the Americas.
o    Why was silver considered to be the ”heart of empire”?
o    Discuss the varied economies of the American colonies.
o    Explain what Spanish colonial rule “looked like”.
o    Create an illustration showing the social hierarchy of Iberian society.

·         Read pages 477-500 and complete the following:
o    Write an outline for a book titled, “Exploration and Penetration of Africa for Dummies”.  (Write from the point of view of the Portuguese)
o    Trace the changes in the volume of the Atlantic slave trade between 1450 and 1850.
o    Discuss the demographic impact of the African slave trade on the sub-Saharan region.
o    What was the social structure of American slave-based societies?
o    Why did the Atlantic slave trade come to an end?

·        Exploration Assignment

·        DBQ Assignment


Due Date
·         Read and Outline pages 503-528 (Take into consideration the following questions): 
o    Explain the three major zones of the Asian sea-trading network.
o    What did the Portuguese discover when they arrived at Calicut and how did they respond?
o    How were the Dutch able to displace the Portuguese? How was their participation in the Asian trading system different from the Portuguese?
o    Where did the European establish tribute systems?
o    To what extent were European Christian missionary efforts in the early 1660s successful?
o    How did the Ming restore the traditional Chinese forms of government?
o    Why did the Chinese withdraw from commercial expansion?
o    What steps led to the restoration of the Japanese shogunate?
o    Why did the Japanese resort to isolation as a response to European expansion?

·         Read and Outline pages 449-474 (Take into consideration the following questions): 
o    Compare and Contrast the three “Muslim Empires” (What were the similarities and differences)
o    What were the causes of Ottoman decline in the 17th century?
o    What were the similarities and differences in the decline of the Abbasid and Ottoman empires?
o    Compare and Contrast the social and economic organization of the Ottomans and the Safavid.
o    Discuss the reasons for the failure of the Mughal dynasty.
o    What weaknesses were common to all of the Muslim empires?

·         Read pages 405-418 and answer the following questions in detail: 
o    How did the Mongol occupation affect Russian civilization?
o    How did the expansion of Russia and the Ottoman Empire eliminate the “independent central Asia” and the Mongol threat?
o    Describe the Russian expansion eastward under the Ivans and through Peter the Great?
o    Describe Peter’s policies and how did they change Russia? What was the impact of Westernization under Peter the Great?
o    Describe Catherine’s social, economic and political polices and how did they effect Russia? What was the extent of Westernization under Catherine the Great?
o    Explain the concept of serfdom in Russia.
o    Why did Russia become economically dependent on the West?
o    What is the basis for the culture of the Russian masses? 
o    What characteristics did Eastern Europe share with Russia?


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