Textbook Assignments for 600-1450


Assignments: 600 CE -1450 CE (Period 3)

Due Date

·         Read and complete chart on Post-Classical/Big Changes and Continuity
·         Read and Outline pages 117-143 and answer the following questions:
o    How did the environment of Arabia impact the social organization and lifestyle of the Bedouin?
o    What role did Mecca play in Arabia?
o    What was the role of women and marriage in Arabia?
o    What events led to the fall of the Umayyads?
o    What did the new religion of Islam offer to the divided people of Arabia?
o    How did surrounding empires react to Islam?
o    How did the Umayyads rise to power again?  What was life like under their rule? (p 130-132)
o    What caused the Umayyad decline and fall?
o    What are the characteristics of the Abbasid Era?
o    What were the achievements of the Islamic world?
o    How would you describe the role of women in the “Islamic World” compared to women in other contemporary societies? (132-134)

·         Read and Outline pages 145-168 and answer the following questions:
o    What were the causes for the weaknesses of the later Abbasid Empire?
o    How would you describe the role of women in the Abbasid Empire?
o    How did the Abbasids keep alive the ideas of many ancient Greek and Roman writers?
o    Describe how Islam spread to South Asia?
o    Describe how Islam spread to Southeast Asia.

·         Read and Outline pages 171-191 and answer the following questions:
o    What are “stateless” societies?  Problems with stateless societies?  
o    What were the common elements in African societies?
o    How did Islam spread into Africa?
o    What were the Christian kingdoms?  How did they interact with Muslims?
o    What were the Sudanic states and how were they organized?
o    How did Islam and the beliefs of indigenous societies fuse among African people?
o    What was the connection between East Africa and Islam?
o    Where did cultures in Africa develop that were NOT impacted by Islam?  What was the nature of their organization?

·         Read and Outline pages 263-286 and answer the following questions:
o    How did the Sui and Tang dynasties reestablish a centralized empire in China?
o    How did the Tang govern their empire and why did they use these institutions/methods?
o    Describe the reasons for the Decline of the Tang Dynasty?
o    To what extent was the Song Dynasty weaker than the Tang and how did the Song dynasty attempt to solve the problems they faced?
o    What was the Chinese commercial revolution.
o    How did the status of women change during the Tang-Song era and describe the status of women.
o    What was the impact of the Tang-Song era on Chinese history?
o    Describe the innovations that were made during the Tang-Song era?

·         Read and Outline pages 193-210 and answer the following questions:
o    What were the origins of the Byzantine Empire (BE)?
o    What groups threatened the survival of the BE and how was the BE able to survive?
o    Describe the split that occurred between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches and How did it impact the BE and European civilizations?
o    Describe the Russian state in Kiev and the important Russian institutions.

·         Read and Outline pages 213-236 and answer the following questions:
o    What characteristics define the postclassical time period in Western Europe?
o    Define feudalism and manorialism.
o    How did Western Europe recover politically and economically in the ninth and tenth century?
o    Describe the political units of Western Europe between 1000 and 1400 and theology during the Middle Ages.
o    What were the crises of the later Middle Ages?
 DUE 10/17
·         Read and Outline pages 289-312 and answer the following questions:
o    How did Chinese culture influence the three earlier periods of Japanese history (Taika, Nara, Heian)?
o    Describe the Taika reforms and why did they fail?
o    Why was there a decline in the imperial power in Japan and a rise of the Shoguns?  (Make sure you address the warrior elites and the growing isolation of the imperial court)
o    How does court life in the Heian period compare to European court life (use your notes from Europe)?
o    Describe the Bakufu Period/Age.
o    What was the relationship between Korea and China?
o    How was Vietnam able to remain independent in China?
 DUE 10/20

Due Date
·         Read and Outline pages 315-337 and answer the following questions:
o    Describe Mongol culture and society. 
o    How did Chinggis Khan rise to power?
o    Why did the Mongols adopt a strategy of “terror”?
o    How were the Mongols able to conquer northern China under Chinggis Khan?
o    How and why did the empire divide after Chinggis’ death?
o    Describe the Mongol attack on Europe.
o    How did the Mongols govern their empire and the people? 
o    How did Mongol rule influence Europe, the Islamic world, and China (Be Specific)?

·         ????

·         Read and Outline pages 239-260 and answer the following questions:
o    How were the Aztecs and Incas influenced by earlier societies?
o    How did the Aztecs organize their agricultural sector?
o    What are some problems faced by the Aztecs?
o    How did the Incas overcome their geographic problems of their empire?
o    Describe the social organization within Andean society?
o    Compare and contrast Andean and Mesoamerican civilizations.

·         Read and Outline pages 339-352 and answer the following questions:
o    Why was the Islamic Empire/society in decline?
o    What was China’s involvement in international trade?  Why did they later decide to isolate themselves from the West?
o    What were the reasons for the “Rise of the West”? And, How did the Renaissance affect European thought and the “Rise”?
o    What groups of Europeans were involved in early exploration? And, how were they involved, what were the reasons for these explorations and why where they successful/failed?
o    Describe the Migrations of the Polynesians and why did the migration occur? 

·         Migrations Assignment

·         Essay

·         REVIEW SHEET



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