
Showing posts from October, 2017

Textbook Assignments for 600-1450

THESE SHOULD BE DONE IN CORNELL NOTE FORMAT! PLEASE INCLUDE PAGE NUMBERS! Assignments: 600 CE -1450 CE (Period 3) # Assignments Due Date 1A 1B ·          Read and complete chart on Post-Classical/Big Changes and Continuity ·          Read and Outline pages 117-143 and answer the following questions: o     How did the environment of Arabia impact the social organization and lifestyle of the Bedouin? o     What role did Mecca play in Arabia? o     What was the role of women and marriage in Arabia? o     What events led to the fall of the Umayyads? o     What did the new religion of Islam offer to the divided people of Arabia? o     How did surrounding empires react to Islam? o     How did the Umayyads rise to power...

Week of 10/9-10/13

Monday 10/9 --- No school Here are the answers to questions 8-10 on the HW sheet: 8.   B 9.   D 10. A Tuesday 10/10: Stimulus test today!!! I'm excited! Wednesday 10/11: HW:  1.  Reading on Empress Wu.  What was her role as a female leader in Tang China? 2. Read and take notes on Double Trouble reading. 3. Work on textbook reading Thursday 10/12: 1. Assignment #4 is Due on Friday Friday 10/13 Assignment #4 is DUE!