
Cold War Assignment

Cold War Hot Spots/Key Events From the end of World War II to the early 1990s, the Cold War dominated world affairs.   The struggle between the Soviet Union and the United States , communism and democracy, spurred a series of actions and reactions on both sides.   Listed below are important events associated with the Cold War.   You will create an historical atlas of the Cold War detailing these events and the role they played in the Cold War. Requirements : ·        The atlas must have a cover and a back page. ·        The atlas has to have four pages .   Each page has a map on front and explanations on the back. ·        On the map show the major Cold War events that occurred in the world during that decade.   You need a map for the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. ·        On the back of the map should be the explanation of t...

WWI Modern War

Please cut and paste this and complete the chart handed out in class.

Dinner Party 1450-1750

February Break Project: Dinner Party Due 3/1                            Round One : Create a seating chart for the global history dinner party. There are five tables with six individuals/ideas at each at a table. Round Two : Once you have your seating chart arranged (every person is seated at on particular table), you will choose 5 topics that would be under discussion by the guests at each table.  Using the website (600-600 CE, 600-1450, 1450-1750) pick a topic under the key concepts for the time periods. Round Three : Choose one topic at each table that would be the most debated by the guests         at that table and explain why it would be so heavily debated/controversial. Choose a second topic at each table that would have the guests most in agreement and explain why. Complete...

Dinner Party 600-1450

Round One : Create a seating chart for the global history dinner party. There are five tables with six individuals/ideas at each at a table. Round Two : Once you have your seating chart arranged (every person is seated at on particular table), you will choose 5 topics that would be under discussion by the guests at each table.  Using the website  (600-600 CE, 600-1450, 1450-1750) pick a topic under the key concepts for the time periods. Round Three : Choose one topic at each table that would be the most debated by the guests         at that table and explain why it would be so heavily debated/controversial. Choose a second topic at each table that would have the guests most in agreement and explain why. Complete the appropriate worksheets that correspond.   Dinner Party Guests Period 3: Paper Money Theodora Genghis Khan Justinian Hagia Sophia  ...

Dinner Party 600-600

February Break Project: Dinner Party Due 3/1                            Round One : Create a seating chart for the global history dinner party. There are five tables with six individuals/ideas at each at a table. Round Two : Once you have your seating chart arranged (every person is seated at on particular table), you will choose 5 topics that would be under discussion by the guests at each table.  Using the website (600-600 CE, 600-1450, 1450-1750) pick a topic under the key concepts for the time periods. Round Three : Choose one topic at each table that would be the most debated by the guests         at that table and explain why it would be so heavily debated/controversial. Choose a second topic at each table that would have the guests most in agreement and explain why. Complete ...